Monday 5 November 2012

recipes: tofu & mushroom noodles.

Ingredients: Cornstarch 50 gr, plain flour 25 gr, Rice wine 2 tbsp, Water 10 cl, Paprika powder, Curry powder, Pepper, Salt, Mushrooms 250 gr, Noodles 200 gr, Silken tofu 250 gr, 1 lemon, sugar 1 tbsp, Fish sauce 2 tbsp, mushroom sauce 1 tbsp, Sambal 1 tbsp, oil.
Mix the cornstarch, flower, rice wine and water so you end up with a smooth pancake like mixture . Add some pepper, salt, curry powder and paprika powder.
Cut the silken tofu gently into small cubes, add to the mixture and fry in plenty off sunflower oil until golden brown.
Bring plenty of water to the boil and add the noodles.
Heat a wok, add 2 tbsp of oil, add the sambal fry for 1 minute and add the mushrooms. After a few minutes add juice of half a lemon, and the zest of the lemon. Add sugar, a little fish sauce and mushroom sauce.
Drain the noodles and mix with the mushrooms. Serve with the fried tofu on top.

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